Hello everyone,
I would like to say thank you to those people reading my blogs and helping us to realize dreams of the children like Kauma...
Whilst on our outreach work in surrounding villages, we got informed about a girl living in worst situation than animals. They described that are just waiting for her to die...
On a Saturday we have taken boda boda (motorbike) and went to see the situation, taking clothing with us as we wanted to help her right away. She has been admitted to the hospital for several blood test and drips.

We are massaging her body, doing excercises on her so she can get some muscle stretch. her skin is very damaged so we are applying SKIN DOCTOR.
The only improvement on her is that her neck is gaining a bit and her eyes are not rolling so she is able to look at us, oh and also she manages to sit down, although rested, rather then on her own. I believe also the strong malaria drugs making her very weak.
Please pray for this little girl, so she can improve, apparently she used to talked and walked..