After a heavy rain down pour, a team of two Whisper staff, Emmanuel and Mutaasa in the company of Tomek - a volunteer from Poland , set off into the village The purpose for the campaign was to reach out to families heavily suffering with jiggers.

We then spent about 30 minutes at Robert's home where we found a young 17 year old Diana, at first sigh any one blind would clearly see that sweet face, Diana seats motionless next to the cooking place, she looks very miserable. All her fee are covered iwth lots of sours, purse from lots of untreated wounds and over 30 jiggers eating her feet up. The team picked out all the jiggers from her fee, treated her wounds and Tomek bought her some shoes to protect her vulnerable wound openings form further attacks.
Others treated included 28 year olf Bawande Joash (a sugar cane cutter) in Namakooko village and little Naigaga Rose age 10, belongings to Mr Silive Kibiikyo also of this village.
At exactly 7pm in this neighbourhood we come across 9 year old Isabiry Manten that also is in a similar conditon but beucase of time, we are to see him at a later date.
We extracted the parasites and thereafter dressed their wounds.
As a prevention of any other infections, we provided children with shoes.
Costs Involved:
Shoes: 6.000Sh
Whisper Team included:
Emmanuel Mugabi and Mutaasa Ayob