She is in lots of pain and we can hardly imagine what she must be going through right now.
Yesterday's ultrasound examination and further diagnoses confirmed that her baby which was 4,5 month old died due to the motorbike accident she had on a Sunday.
Private clinic referred her to the main hospital to do an Uterine Evacuation to take the baby out.
Last night she was in lots of pain so she was admitted to the hospital, but unfortunately she was never provided with bed because the hospital was out of space.
Today she was scheduled to do further x-rays so they can perform the evacuation process.
Unfortunately hospital was without electricity due to the recent and regular electricity cuts, and she was sent to do the x-ray to a private hospital.
Our community worker and counsellor Mutaasa Ayob has taken care of Rebecca for the whole time and rushed to his home to get a mattress for her and some bed sheets. He has been there for her since the beginning and we would like to thank him for his care
and the loving and emotional support he is giving her.
Whisper provided finances for all her treatment, water and food, which she could never otherwise afford.
The surgery is schedule for tomorrow.
Rebecca we love you, please be strong!!