"Lisa forgive me", but I want to share about your experience in Uganda on Whisper blog.
It means so much to me personally like nobody can imagine!
I am so pleased to read those things especially from someone, who found about Whisper via Google search, and who comes from far Minnesota, and who is only 21 years old and was saving for her trip to Uganda for the last 12 months (for the first time - she messaged me about wanting to volunteer - it was last year in June). Veronika
So here it is:
05.28.201287 °F
So I've been hear for about a week now and I have so many stories to tell. Unfortunately I can't sit at this internet cafe all day, so I'll try to sum it up as much as possible. also, I forgot my usb cord for my camera so no pictures until I get home
I love the villages of Uganda so much. I especially love staying at the orphanage! The children here are absolutely adorable!! They are always so happy and well behaved. I haven't had to discipline one child yet which is amazing compare to the children in America! The children at the orphanage love to cuddle and give kisses! I've only been here for a week and I have already left a big portion of my heart here. The children here call me Auntie Lisa, which melts my heart into pieces every time because it makes me feel more like I'm part of their family. I haven't felt this much love in a very long time. It amazes me how even though the living conditions here are completely different than home, I am so much happier and I actually feel like I belong here. I've experienced a lot wonderful things in the last couple days but here are some to name a few...
1. I met Uncle Eddie who is a physical therapist here. I got to observe him work the other day and he has inspired me so much! I already knew that I want to go into physical therapy, but after meeting him I have a new goall! My new goal is to become a physical therapist and make yearly trips all over Africa where I can put my skills to good use in the villages. Uncle Eddie explains to me how there are numerous of people in Africa with disabilities due to malaria but can't afford medical care. This sickens me to death. If people are sick, they should be able to get help!
2. I got to help remove jiggers the other day in the villages. It shocks me how terrible the conditions would get, to the point where people would get fleas and their eggs implanted into their skin. I also can't believe how horrible the living conditions are here in the villages. Walking through them makes me want to seriously take a break on school and spend some time cleaning them up just to help out. what's even more disappointing is how the people here are the most sweetest and hard working people I know. It's a shame that people like them had to suffer while people in the US are too spoiled to even realize what's going on on this side of the world.
3. I got some nice sight seeing done already including the pyramids in Egypt and the Nile river here in Jinja!
4. I absolutely love the mamas at the orphanage! They are so warm hearted and I couldn't ask for better Mamas. They treat me as if I was their own daughter so I can't help but smile every time I see them.
Overall I am so blessed to be here and also so blessed to be surrounded by such marvelous people. I have so many more great stories to tell but unfortunately I have to get going.
I hope everything and everyone at home are doing well and I will update this blog again sometime soon!!