The date marked above whisper outreach team together with
the volunteers from UK Adela and marketa visited a family in Kivubuka village.
The mother and the daughter who live on their own in their brother’s house were
both tested HIV/AIDS positive and were in terribly bad condition. The mother
Mirabu Mbwali was more weaker, could not walk on her own without any one
supporting or going by the wall. All her ball and socket joints are very weak
and loose, than her daughter Shamina Namuwanga whom we founding doing all work
at home that’s cooking going to fetch water, she even walked long distances
like three to four km to pick pills both for her mother and her self. It gives
a sad feeling because it is not easy for
such a little girl of twelve years so minding and taking cake for her life and
fighting for the life of her mum. It is said that each time Shamina went to
pick pills for her mum and misses to get, could cry, sit down on the floor
saying and asking, what is this? What is
my mum going to take? I don’t
want her to die. She is the only one I have in my life. Shamina of twelve years
exclaiming in anger. They both had a feaver, and cauphed, there was no food in the house at
all, no fruits to give them strength since they were on those strong pills. And
they claimed that this was their major problem among others.
We had to go back that day to find means of helping this
The following day we received a call from the local Dr. who
had directed us to this family telling
and giving us shocking news that Shamina died in the night.
It was unbelievable
but it was a real truth. It was so sad and shocking,

When we went there we bought some food, beans and sugar. We
also gave her some counselling words to encourage her.
Expenses; posho 10
kg= 17000/=, sugar 1kg = 3000/= beans 10kg 17000/=
Transport 37000/=, water and snakes 7000/=
Outreach was done by;
Emma Mugabi , Adela and Marketa.