Whisper held 2. Training in Child Care for staff of One World Orphanage on Saturday January 21 2012.
Session lasted the whole day and the agenda was:
- Stages of Growths
- Love languages in Children
- Communication in Children
- Discipline at home
- Right Care for Children
- Building self confidence of Child
- Fixation
- Fear/Depression
- Parental responsibilities

The training was received with great appreciation. One of our staff said:
"this training has given me so much, now I now where I stand as a parent and husband and what to improve in my home. Now I'll go home and will treat my wife and children the way I was told I should".
One of our mamas also said:
"We learnt how important is to love children, set enough rules and understand them better. We thanks Whisper for supporting this training and cannot wait for the next one".
Another said "It is so interesting!!!"
Next Training that Whisper will hold, will be about Health and how to recognize certain symptoms.
This Excellent training session cost our organization £25. Thank you everyone for your support.