

Sunday, 1 December 2013

Baby Waiswa - New Whisper Child

Baby Waiswa


Whisper was contacted by a certain person about a mother who died and left behind a two week old baby boy.

When we arrived to the children's ward in Jinja, tiny, malnourished baby Waiswa was hold by his caring grandmother. She was giving him small spoons of nutritional water provided by the hospital. Waiswa was swallowing the drops which was a great sign of his appetite and recovery.
Waiswa's mother had a difficult labour and as it happens in many countries in Africa. In Sub-Saharan Africa, a woman has a risk of 1 in 39 of dying from pregnancy related complications.

In Uganda this is very common and Whisper takes care of  four babies and other children who lost their mother due to this sad but preventable fact.

Waiswa is a name for the twin in Uganda. To Waiswa always belongs Babirye - name for the girl. Unfortunately Babirye died inside the mother womb, when the mother was dying herself.

For the next four weeks, we would go and visit him and his grandmother to the hospital and made sure, that he and his grandmother has all they need to keep them in the hospital. Money for treatment, food and nappies.

Waiswa was saved and rescued and in our hearts we promised his mother and unborn sister that he will live, he will grow and glow in another beautiful living child under the Whisper's roof.

Waiswa is with Whisper for a month now and you can see the amazing change for yourself.

Thank you to our hardworking staff who deserves an award for taking care of so many vulnerable babies, giving them mother love, kind words and care.

Waiswa will stay with us until he starts walking and understanding basic day to day routines, so he can come back and feel strong to cope with the hard village African life. By then, we hope that Whisper will be in position to contribute to his education.

!!Thank you every single person who contributes to Whisper!!

You are truly helping us to save and change lives! 

Donate to Whisper
Waiswa at the hospital.
Our outreach and social workers queuing to get to the boat, which takes them across the lake Victoria to the island Buwuma where Waiswa and his grandmother comes from. The journey from Jinja takes around 2hrs.
Sam, our outreach and first aid man, and our social worker Sherry.
Waiswa and his grandmother in front of their home from the mud.
Baby Waiswa and his grandma during their time at the hospital. Waiswa was already gaining weight 
On the boat taking Wasiwa to the Whisper's home, carrying by his caring grandmother.

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