

Monday, 18 February 2019

I hope you are all doing fine. The Whisper team thanks you for your generous and enormous support/donations towards our noble cause. On behalf of the Whisper team, I wish you all a Happy new year. Please keep supporting us to save more lives in Uganda. Thank you so much.
December was a very busy month at Whisper’s Magical Children’s Hospital and maternity, we received quite a big number of patients in December compared to the month of November. December involved a lot of women/mothers coming in for our free ultra sound scan project increasing the number of patients we received last month. We received a total of 1,263 patients. 963 patients were registered in the children’s wing and 300 patients in our magical maternity. We are saving a lot of lives in the community all thanks to our beloved donors' support.
We transfused 194 patients in December which is more as compared to the month of November. Our good working relations with Jinja Blood Bank helps us to always be equipped with blood as we make sure that no life is lost at Whisper’s Magical Hospital because of lack of blood.
In the year 2018 Whisper treated 11,513 vulnerable sick children. We thank you for your generous donations, such a big number of young innocent lives were saved. May GOD bless you our beloved donors for this wonderful support. We had a big number of malaria patients totaling to 2,988. Help us to save more lives this year 2019 buy donating to our charity Hospital and towards our various life saving projects. Please click on this link to check out our various life saving projects. https://www.globalgiving.org/donate/28855/whisper/
This graph shows the number of patients we treated in the year 2018 against the corresponding months. As you can see the number of patients(sick children and mothers) is rising which means the society believes in our services. The reduction in the number of patients in the months of July, August and September could have been caused by a change in the season and the change of our Hospital premises. We are so glad that the number is going up again. So many lives were saved because of your support.
Whisper's Magical Children's Hospital and Maternity is fundraising for an Ambulance which will help us to save more lives in Uganda. Many children have been brought at the point of death at our hospital and unfortunately we lost a few because the parents had no means of transport to help them bring the babies to the Hospital. With our own Ambulance we'll make sure that we go deep in the villages and rescue these vulnerable sick mothers and children and bring them to our Hospital for treatment. We will reach  in different societies rescuing and helping the needy. This Ambulance will also help us to transport the referred patients from our Hospital to Mulago general Referral in Kampala. Please donate towards this noble cause by visiting this link.https://www.globalgiving.org/projects/emergency-ambulance-for-whispers-hospital/
We registered 14 malnourished children in December, 5 patients were referred to Nalufenya regional referral Hospital because of Tuberculosis and 10 patients were discharged. Most of the patients received had Severe Acute Malnutrition and were underweight. On assessment, the underlying causes for malnutrition cases are parental negligence due to domestic violence and not exclusively breastfeeding these babies. Please donate to the malnourished children in Uganda through Whisper to save their lives. https://www.globalgiving.org/projects/help-a-malnourished-child-with-whispers-hospital/
Thank you all for donating towards our malnourished child project. Last year we saved 153 malnourished babies and we have so far raised $43,500. Please keep donating to our noble cause so that more lives of the malnourished babies are saved. https://www.globalgiving.org/projects/help-a-malnourished-child-with-whispers-hospital/


We registered 300 patients in our magical maternity in the month of December, of the 300 patients, we had 193 free scans from our free ultra sound scan project. We had 2 Emergency C-sections, 2 elective C-sections, 2 Normal deliveries, 9 other procedures including Herniorrhaphy, 2 Perineal repair, 2 Evacuations, STS, Rectopexy, Ectopic pregnancy, and Hydrocelectomy, 38 paid scans, 10 antenatal visits, 9 admissions, 30 reviews, the rest being consultations.  Whisper is saving so many mothers’ lives. https://www.globalgiving.org/projects/stop-ugandan-women-and-children-dying-at-childbirth/
Our nurse giving care to one of the mothers in the admission ward who had just given birth.
As Whisper a charity organisation, we thank all our donors for the generous contributions in terms of financial support and guidance through out the year 2018. So many lives of suffering children and mothers were saved. Our patients are so grateful.We really appreciate all you are doing, may God bless you for your efforts.
One of our mothers in the admission room holding her beautiful twin babies.

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